When to Talk to Your Doctor About Heartburn
While most heartburn is minor, some heartburn can be more severe. What’s more, heartburn can be a symptom of other, more serious problems. Sometimes you may need a doctor to prescribe medicine or other treatment.
It’s important to see your doctor to address serious health questions and concerns.
Remember that some pain and burning in your upper chest may be heartburn and is treatable with one of the Mylanta® heartburn treatments. Occasional heartburn after meals (especially large or fatty ones) is usually considered normal. So is heartburn that comes and goes, is relieved by antacids or acid reducers, or gets worse when you lie down or bend over.
But, there are additional heartburn symptoms to watch out for.
More Serious Heartburn Treatment
Some symptoms could indicate that you need more serious heartburn treatment. Consult your doctor if you have any of the following heartburn symptoms:
- Especially severe or painful heartburn symptoms.
- Heartburn symptoms that last longer than a few hours.
- Heartburn symptoms that return consistently for longer than two weeks.
Immediate Attention
Some symptoms require immediate attention. Seek help immediately whenever you experience any of the following symptoms:
- Vomiting or regurgitating blood.
- Inhalation of stomach contents while sleeping.
- Severe chest pain that lasts more than 15 minutes and does not respond to antacids or
other heartburn treatment. - Black stool.
Warning Signs of Other Problems
Besides the chest pain (which could indicate a heart attack or other heart disease), the following heartburn symptoms warn of more serious medical conditions:
- Unexpected weight loss over the past several months.
- Heartburn symptoms that get worse when you exercise or do physical activity.
- Pain or difficulty swallowing.