Causes and Treatment of Gas
Gas is one of the most common digestive health problems you can get.
When there’s too much gas in your stomach, you can definitely feel it. Excess gas can result in uncomfortable bloating. When you have more gas than normal, pressure and discomfort in your stomach and intestines can result in real pain.
Your body has a hard time getting rid of excess gas. Once too many gas bubbles get trapped in your stomach and intestines, there’s not really any place for them to go.
Causes of Gas Discomfort
So many common activities can cause excess gas. That’s what makes gas such a common digestive problem.
In addition to smoking, poor muscle tone, chewing gum and wearing tight clothes, there are two main causes of gas symptoms.
Swallowing too much air, a condition called “aerophagia,” can lead to gas symptoms from too much gas in the stomach.
Foods rich in carbohydrates (complex sugars) such as beans, bran, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and dairy can result in the production of excess gas as normal digestive bacteria break them down. The result of this natural process is hydrogen, carbon dioxide and – in about one-third of all people – methane.
Treating Gas with Medicine
Simethicone, the anti-gas medicine in Mylanta Gas Mini Tablets, provides relief by reducing the number of gas bubbles in your system, and works with your body to help you relieve gas naturally.